MedPro Defense Nocospray Disinfection Machine 2.0

SKU: 007-020


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What is Nocospray?

Nocospray is an easy to use compact portable disinfection system that prevents the spread of deadly pathogens.

Our patented dispersion technology disinfects all hard surfaces achieving >6 log (99.9999%) reduction of infectious organisms including Clostridium difficile (C. diff), Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Norovirus.

Our solutions are safe for the disinfection of hospitals, long-term care facilities and schools.

  • Data tracking and reportability functions
  • Proven efficacy in Canadian hospitals

Nocospray Features:

Easy to Use: Simple two-step operation with clear easy-to-understand controls. There is no mixing required for additional practicality
Supports Compliance: The same system can be part of different protocols to improve results throughout the hospital because of its scalable design. Data recording capabilities can help optimize protocols.
Transportable: Nocospray is portable and lightweight and can be deployed to any enclosed space where disinfection is required.
6- Log reduction of pathogens: The Nocospray system has demonstrated a 6-log reduction of pathogens such as MRSA, and C.difficile. It is authorized for sale by Health Canada as a sporicide solution.
Effective Treatment: Nocospray helps staff disinfect areas that are hard to reach and helps them do so consistently and completely. Nocospray’s efficacy and practicality has been demonstrated in Canadian hospitals.
Cost-Effective Disinfection: Helps control overhead expenditures by improving productivity and preventing costly outbreaks.

Nocospray Machine Specifications:

    • Maximum run time: 60 minutes
    • Maximum disinfectant consumption: 1L
    • Compatible disinfectants: Nocolyse (DIN # 02377527)
    • Weight unloaded: 7 kg (approximately)
    • SDS (Safety data sheet): Please contact our customer service
    • Leasing eligible: Yes, please contact our customer service
    • Extended warranty available: Yes
    • Service available: Yes





The Dr. Joe Schwarcz Show – Hear why Hospitals need the Nocospray Disinfection System


Listen to AMG Medical's Derek Kastner discussing the Nocospray System with Dr. Joe Schwarcz noted author, speaker and media personality on The Dr. Joe Schwarcz Show radio show. This interview was recorded on Sunday May 19th, 2013.





Nocospray Disinfection System - Step by step


The Nocospray Disinfection System simplifies the disinfection process and eliminates the impact of personal bias. In these 3 simple steps the Nocospray can help your staff disinfect surfaces more effectively and efficiently within real-world time constraints.



Nocospray Disinfection System - Helps you buy more time


The Nocospray Disinfection System allows you to disinfect a room with 3 simpler, unbiased steps. By automating the delivery process Nocospray can help you buy more time for your staff to focus on other activities.



Nocospray Disinfection System - Developed and tested to be effective in the real world


The Nocospray Disinfection System has been approved to kill multiple pathogens including C. difficile (spores), flu and MRSA on hard surfaces. This technology has been developed and tested in both the laboratory and real-world settings. This is important because unlike claims that were shown only in a lab, when used correctly Nocospray can help you achieve significant disinfection results in the context of current realities.



Removing what the eye cannot see: Stop the train in its tracks.


The pathogens that cause HAIs travel easily from person to person, person to surface and surface to person. This video by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham shows how easily, quickly and broadly pathogens travel. C.difficile, norovirus and influenza cells spread like passengers on a commuter train. A few get off at every stop … and stay. A disinfection method that works uniformly, is unbiased and easy to use, like Nocospray can help stop pathogens from boarding the next train.



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