Infection control

How does nocospray work?

Nocospray is a calibrated disinfection system made up of two integral components – the Nocospray machine and the Nocolyse solution.


About Nocolyse


Nocolyse is a powerful sporicidal disinfectant that can kill dangerous pathogens common in hospitals and healthcare settings. The amount of Nocolyse required to disinfect a room is defined by the room dimensions and the pathogen type present. Nocospray is precalibrated to work with Nocolyse and requires no dilution or measuring.


  • Next-generation biodisinfectant based on a proprietary hyper-catalytic Hydrogen Peroxide complex
  • Ready-to-use aqueous solution
  • Sporicidal

About NocoSPRAY


Nocospray is a compact, portable machine that disperses Nocolyse in the form of vapor throughout a room disinfecting all hard surfaces. Runtime pre-settings ensure the machine works for the appropriate length of time to release the right dose of Nocolyse.


The Nocospray Disinfection System is a ready to use, easy to transport disinfection solution ideal for healthcare environments, schools, daycares, gyms, spas, resorts and hotels. The Nocospray System has been proven effective across a broad spectrum of germs that pose real infection threats today including Norovirus, MRSA and Clostridium difficile (C. diff).

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